住老年公寓要先预付养老费 这钱敢不敢交? |
添加时间:2018/1/17 17:41:56 浏览次数: |
近日,市民崔先生拨打热线反映,他今年已经79岁了,最近想找个老年公寓住,但是一打听发现南阳的很多老年公寓都是要预交养老费的,从一万到十万不等,同时还会返比较高的利息,他跟亲戚朋友说了这件事,大家都觉得不放心,怕他上当受骗,希望报社帮忙了解一下有关老年公寓的收费问题。 Recently, Cui people call the hotline to reflect, he is 79 years old this year, recently wanted to find a old apartment, but I found a lot of apartments for the elderly in Nanyang is to pay pension premiums, from ten thousand to one hundred thousand, while also returning relatively high interest rates, he with relatives and friends to say this what people do not feel at ease, afraid he deceived, want to ask about the newspaper on the charge issue of apartments for the elderly. “老年公寓看起来挺舒服, 收费标准让人不放心” Old apartment looks comfortable, the standard of payment is not assured" 崔先生告诉记者,自己退休多年,平时下午都是和几个好友相约打麻将,最近觉得无聊,想换一种生活方式,正好听一个朋友说自己在老年公寓住,各方面条件都不错,让他听完很心动。“我就也过去看了,环境各方面确实挺好,吃的是自助餐,菜品很丰盛,想吃啥自己随意选择,住的方面,有专门的服务员帮助打扫卫生收拾床铺,还有医生、娱乐室,配套设施挺齐全的,工作人员还说他们在外地也有伙伴单位,每年还会组织老年人去外地住一段时间调养。”崔先生说,看起来是挺舒服的,就是收费方式让人不放心。如果是一个月交一次钱,那他肯定就过去住了,可是一打听,最少要预付一万块钱养老费才行,有的甚至五万、十万,而且交的这些钱还会给比较高的利息,比如说,一次性交五万元的话,有的老年公寓三年会返一万五千元的利息,而且每个月的养老费还可以享受折扣。 Mr. Cui told reporters, their retirement years, usually all afternoon and a few friends together to play mahjong, recently felt boring, want to change a way of life, just listen to a friend said he lived in the old apartment, all the conditions are good, let him after hearing the very heart. "I will also look at the past, the environment is really good, eat buffet dishes, delicious, eat what you choose, live, have a special attendant to help clean the bed, and the doctor, entertainment room, facilities quite complete, the staff also said that they are partners in the field, every year will organize the elderly to the field for a period of time to rest." Mr. Cui said, looks comfortable, that is, charging way is not assured. If it is to pay the money once a month, he was living in the past, but ask, at least ten thousand yuan prepaid pension fee only, or even fifty thousand, one hundred thousand, and pay the money will give relatively high interest rates, for example, a one-time pay fifty thousand yuan, some three apartments for the elderly will return to fifteen thousand yuan of interest, and the monthly pension costs can also enjoy discounts. “工作人员介绍的是交完钱就会签一个服务合同,再办一张住房证,这样这间房子就归我使用了,每个月的养老费从我交的这些钱里边扣除,虽然每个月收费只需一千元左右,可是必须一次性预付一万元以上的养老费,我感觉这种收费方式有点变相集资了,而且我年纪大了,指不定能活多少天呢,交了这么多钱万一随后有什么问题该找谁去?”崔先生说。 "The staff is paid will sign a service contract, and then do a housing card, so that the house belongs to me to use, the monthly pension fee deducted from me over the money inside, while the monthly fee is only one thousand yuan, but must pay ten thousand yuan one-time pre the pension fee, I feel a little of this kind of charges in raising funds, but I am old, Zhibuding can live for many days, pay so much money should then have what problem should find who go to?" Mr. Cui said. 相关部门: 预交款超过半年涉嫌非法集资 提醒市民切莫上当受骗 Relevant departments: prepaid funds more than half a year on suspicion of illegal fund-raising to remind the public not to be deceived 随后,记者联系了市民政局福利科和卧龙区物价局的工作人员。他们告诉记者,养老机构分公办养老机构和民办养老机构,其中民办养老机构又包括营利性养老机构和非营利性养老机构。 Subsequently, the reporter contacted the Bureau and the Wolong municipal civil affairs welfare District staff. They told reporters that pension institutions are divided into public pension institutions and private pension institutions, including private pension institutions and for-profit pension institutions and non-profit pension institutions. 目前公办的养老机构收费标准是由政府统一定价,而民办营利性养老机构,收费项目和收费标准由经营者自主确定,民办非营利性养老机构服务收费,由经营者合理确定,政府有关部门可结合对非营利机构监管需要,对财务收支状况、收费项目和调价频次进行必要监督,但是关于预交款方面有明确规定,预交款最多不能超过半年,如果超过就涉嫌非法集资,市民可以向市金融办公室进行举报。同时提醒市民们,一定要选择正规、手续齐全的养老机构,切莫贪图便宜上当受骗。 Currently charges public pension institutions is the uniform pricing by the government, and private for-profit pension institutions, fees and charges determined by independent operators, the non-profit private pension agency service charges, determined by the operator, the relevant government departments can be combined with the need of non-profit organization supervision, the necessary supervision of financial payments and fees and the price adjustment frequency, but on the aspect of prepaid funds are clearly defined, prepaid funds cannot exceed half a year, if more than is suspected of illegal fund-raising, the public may apply to the municipal finance office to report. At the same time remind the public, we must choose formal, complete procedures for the pension institutions, do not seek cheap, deceived. |
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