衡水养老院/如预防何老年痴呆 |
添加时间:2018/1/6 17:21:01 浏览次数: |
老年人年纪大了需要我们平常留心和观察,人在老年时期生活,情感,物质上都多要给老人一些关心和关爱!家人们需要注意的地方有哪些呢? The elderly are older, we need to pay attention and observation, people in the old age, life, emotion, material, more to the elderly some care and love! What are the areas that families need to pay attention to? 1.忌精神刺激、喜怒无常、惊恐思虑等。 1., avoid spiritual stimulation, moody, panic, thinking, etc.. 人到老年之后,气血亏虚、营卫不调,五脏六腑功能日益衰退,如在这个自然衰老过程中受到外界的不良精神刺激后,容易发生老年性痴呆。老年人应以积极的心态,做到乐观、愉快、宽宏大量、热爱生活,以防止智能衰退,同时还应保持与周围环境及人群的接触,以延缓心理的衰老过程。 After the old people, deficiency of Qi and blood, Wei is not moved, the deterioration of the viscera function, such as being in the natural aging process of adverse mental stimuli, prone to Alzheimer's disease. The elderly should be optimistic, happy, generous and love life with a positive attitude, so as to prevent the decline of intelligence, and to keep in touch with the surrounding environment and people, so as to delay the process of mental aging. 2.避免损害脑细胞的疾病如脑炎、颅外伤、脑血管疾病、慢性中毒及内分泌紊乱等疾病均是老年性痴呆发病的诱因。而且忌长期使用降血压、镇静安定剂等药物,以避免这类药物对脑功能的干扰,加速病情发展。 2., to avoid damage to brain cells, such as encephalitis, cranial trauma, cerebrovascular diseases, chronic poisoning and endocrine disorders, are the causes of Alzheimer's disease. And avoid long-term use of lower blood pressure, sedation, tranquilizers and other drugs, in order to avoid such drugs interfere with brain function, accelerate the development of the disease. 3.忌营养摄入不足或维生素缺乏,忌饮酒吸烟。 3. avoid nutritional deficiencies or lack of vitamins, avoid drinking and smoking. 老年痴呆与饮食有着很密切关系,研究发现牛奶、鸡蛋、鱼、肉、动物肝脏等优质蛋白食品对大脑机能有强化作用,大量的蔬菜、水果及豆制品可补充维生素B、C、E,防止营养不足引起的智能障碍。吸烟使体内小动脉收缩变窄、加重病情,所以老年人应戒烟戒酒。 Senile dementia and diet has a very close relationship. The study found that high quality protein foods milk, egg, fish, meat, animal liver enhancement effects on brain function, a lot of vegetables, fruit and soy products can add vitamin B, C, E, to prevent nutritional deficiencies caused by the obstacle avoidance of intelligent. Smoking causes contraction and narrowing of small arteries in the body and aggravates the condition, so the elderly should stop smoking and alcohol. 4.忌缺乏适当体力活动及脑力劳动。 4. avoid lack of proper physical activities and mental work. 调查显示长寿老人均坚持一定量的体力与脑力活动,这种持久且适量的活动,不但能促进血液循环及新陈代谢,且能加强神经系统的活动,提高调节能力,这样有利于防止或延缓智力衰退。 Investigation shows that physical and mental activities of longevity all adhere to a certain amount, the persistent and moderate activity, not only can promote blood circulation and strengthen the nervous system and can The new supersedes the old., activities, enhance the ability to regulate, so as to prevent or delay the mental decline. 5.忌病人无人照看。 5. bogey patients, no one to look after. 病人由于病情的发展,会出现诸如自伤、伤人、毁物、纵火等行为,因此应有专人照看,以防发生不测意外。 The patient because of the development of the disease, there will be such as injury, assault, destroy, arson and other acts, so special care, to prevent the occurrence of unexpected accident. |
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