老了,愿意去养老院吗? |
添加时间:2017/12/4 17:13:19 浏览次数: |
说起老人养老就要说到养老机构了家第一个想到的肯定是养老院。但是有一些不正规的养老院存在一些不正当的经营方式,您可知道? Speaking of the elderly for the aged, it is necessary to say that the first thought of a pension institution is a nursing home. But there are some informal old-age homes with some improper management, do you know? 零下五度以上不给开暖气,38度以下不给开空调,生病走失概不负责,护工失职照顾不周,老人之间待遇不公等等。 Minus five degrees above to open heating, 38 degrees below not to open air conditioning, sick lost will not be responsible for the care, nurse dereliction of duty week between the elderly and unfair treatment etc.. 我们来看一个例子: Let's look at an example: 87岁的林老太与养老院签订服务合同。入院后不到一个月,林老太就在自己居住的房间内因地面湿滑而摔倒,造成左股骨骨折,治疗花去各项费用万余元。 The 87 year old Lin Lao Tai signed a service contract with the nursing home. Less than a month after admission, Lin Lao Tai collapsed in the room where he lived because of slippery soil, causing the fracture of the left femur. He spent more than 10000 yuan on the treatment. 林老太认为,养老院是实行全天护理,由于管理不严,护理不规范,存在严重过失,造成自己受伤,故将养老院告上法院。养老院则认为,林老太入院时与养老院签订了协议书和告知书,其中有原告受伤属免责范围的条款,而且原告选择三级护理,其起身走动等行为不包括在护理范围之内。 Lin Lao Tai believes that the nursing home is all day care. Because of lax management, irregular nursing, serious faults, and causing injury, the nursing home is sent to the court. The nursing home thought that Lin Lao Tai signed the agreement and notification book with the nursing home when he was admitted to hospital, including the plaintiff's injury is the scope of the exemption, and the plaintiff chose the three level nursing. Its behavior of getting up and walking is not included in the nursing area. 法院认为,原告、被告签订养老机构收养人员入院协议书,原告支付相关费用,并入住养老院,双方已形成养老服务合同关系,被告因此负有保障原告人身不受伤害的义务。原告在住院期间摔伤,被告应承担违约赔偿责任。 The court held that the plaintiff and the defendant signed the agreement on the admission of the adoptive staff in the pension institution, the plaintiff paid the related expenses and entered the nursing home, and the two sides had already formed the contractual relationship of the old age service, so the defendant had the obligation to protect the plaintiff from injury. When the plaintiff is injured during the hospital stay, the defendant shall bear the liability for compensation for breach of contract. 当我们将父母送进养老院的时候,我们应该怎么选择养老院? When we send our parents to a nursing home, how should we choose a nursing home? 其实,回答这个问题很简单,我们需要的真的只是多留个心: In fact, it's very simple to answer this question, and what we need is just a lot of heart. 一、看这家养老院的软设施怎么样。 One, look at the soft facilities of this nursing home. 各种服务到不到位。 All kinds of services are not in place. 1、医疗保健服务。人到晚年,或多或少都有些疾病或存在突发疾病的可能,所以选择养老院一定要看该养老院是否设有医务室,配设有专职医生,备有足够的医疗设备和物资。养老院是否具备在院内或就近及时诊疗老人常见病、多发病的能力,能够及时妥善处理各种突发性疾病和其他紧急情况。 1. Health care service. In the later years, there are more or less diseases or sudden diseases. Therefore, choosing a nursing home must depend on whether the nursing home has a medical clinic, equipped with full-time doctors, equipped with enough medical equipment and supplies. Whether the nursing home has the ability to diagnose and treat the common diseases and frequent diseases of the elderly in hospital or in the near future, is able to deal with all kinds of sudden diseases and other emergency situations in time. 2、护理照料服务。工作人员是否具有良好职业道德和奉献精神,查看护理人员的护理经验,是否具有上级主管部分颁发的从业资格。要求能够按照合理的时间间隔,为老人提供洗澡、理发、剪指甲、换洗床单被套、衣服等起居照顾服务。 2. Nursing care service. Do staff members have good professional ethics and dedication, check the nursing experience of nursing staff, and whether they have the qualification of higher level directors. According to the requirements of the reasonable time interval, with bath, hair, nails, wash sheets quilt, clothes and personal care services for the elderly. 3、心理和社会交往服务。既然是颐养的场所,丰富的娱乐社交活动就必不可少,所以需要看养老院是否给老人提供这样的空间和平台,比如:兴趣小组、活动团体等,这些条件都有利于孤寡老人情感上的交流,给老人带去心理上的慰藉。管理、服务人员是否具有一定的老年心理学知识和经验,能够把握老人心理动态,理解老人,避免老人因心理问题出现各种生活危机。如果有专业的心理师配备的养老院当然更好。 3, psychological and social communication services. Since it is a cozy place, rich entertainment and social activities is essential, so need to see whether nursing homes for the elderly to provide such a platform and space, such as interest groups, group activities, these conditions are conducive to the elderly emotional communication, to bring comfort to the elderly. Do management or service personnel have certain knowledge and experience of elderly psychology? They can grasp the psychological trend of the elderly, understand the elderly, and avoid all kinds of life crises due to psychological problems. If there is a professional psychologist equipped with a nursing home, of course it is better. 4、膳食服务。是否设有单独的老人食堂,能够根据老人喜好以及医疗、保健上的需要,制定科学合理的营养食谱。是否考虑到不同老年人的饮食习惯,是否尊重少数民族饮食习俗。具体考察当中,可询问并查看该养老院以往的食谱,看其是否符合老人要求,有无整体计划。 4. Food service. Whether there is a separate old old canteen can make a scientific and rational nutritional diet according to the needs of the elderly, medical and health care. Whether the eating habits of different elderly people are taken into consideration, and whether the dietary customs of ethnic minorities are respected. In the specific investigation, we can inquire and check the old recipe of the old-age house to see if it is in accordance with the requirements of the elderly, and there is a whole plan. 二、 看这家养老院的硬件设施如何, Two. Look at the hardware facilities of this nursing home. 功能是否完善。 Whether the function is perfect. 1、居住设施。居住房间一般分单人间、双人间、三人间、合居型床位等。老人住房不要求豪华,但要舒适、温馨、宽敞、明亮、安静、防滑、通风良好。房间里应根据老人实际需要,配设有各类生活用品、用具,物品摆放整齐有序。居室、洗手间、浴室、走廊、楼梯符合无障碍设施规范要求。如果有电话或者网络设备可与家属、朋友感情联络的更好。 1. Residential facilities. Living rooms are generally divided into single, double, triple, and habitation beds. The old man's house does not require luxury, but it should be comfortable, warm, spacious, bright, quiet, skidproof and well ventilated. The room should be equipped with various kinds of daily necessities and utensils in accordance with the actual needs of the old man, and the articles are arranged in order and orderly. Rooms, toilets, bathrooms, corridors and staircases meet the requirements of the barrier free facilities. If you have a phone or a network device, you can get better contact with your family and friends. 2、环境设施。考察该养老机构是否有供老人进行休闲、娱乐、健身活动的专用场地,有符合老人身心特征及需要的休闲娱乐健身活动用品、设施、设备,比如:健身房、图书与电脑、棋牌室等。如养老机构自然环境优美更佳。 2. Environmental facilities. To investigate whether there is a special place for the elderly to have leisure, entertainment and fitness activities, there are recreational activities, facilities, and facilities that fit for the physical and mental characteristics and needs of the elderly, such as gymnasium, book and computer, chess and card room, etc. For example, the natural environment of a pension institution is beautiful and better. 三、就是要看看他们的记录, Three. Just look at their records. 听听老人们的口碑。 Listen to the word-of-mouth of the old people. 了解他们2年内是否有违规、违纪、违法事件。有无食物中毒、非正常死亡、走失、疾病传染、护理事故、损害老年人合法权益等重大责任事故。 Know whether they have violations, discipline and illegal events in 2 years. There are serious accidents such as food poisoning, abnormal death, loss of disease, infectious diseases, nursing accidents, and damage to the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly. 四、最后,看看收费情况。 Four. Finally, look at the charge. 进入养老机构颐养所需交纳的费用,基本费用包括:床位费、护理费、伙食费;不同养老机构还会根据自身特点收取其他费用如取暖费、医疗费、安置费、洗衣费、娱乐费、尿片费等,也会收取一定金额的押金。 Enter the pension agency maintenance required to pay the cost of the basic cost, including beds, nursing fees and meals; different pension institutions will collect other fees according to their own characteristics such as heating fees, medical fees, fees, fees, fees, diaper washing entertainment fees, will receive a certain amount of deposit. 根据老人的自身情况,选择健康(8小时护理)、半自理(12小时护理)和完全不能自理(24小时护理)的服务,依此程度不同,收费等级也有差别。老人及子女们要了解清楚,依照需要选择。 According to the situation of the elderly, choose health (8 hours Nursing), semi self care (12 hours Nursing) and completely unable to take care of themselves (24 hours). The old people and their children should know clearly and choose according to their needs. 如果以上条件都满足,我们和养老院签订文书也是有很多注意的点的,我们需要做到: If all the above conditions are satisfied, we have a lot of attention to sign the documents with the nursing home, and we need to do it: 1是否存在不合理的条款。 1 whether there is an unreasonable clause. 2是否存在“霸王条款”? 2 is there a "tyrant clause"? |
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