养老院义演心得和技巧 |
添加时间:2017/11/22 15:10:10 浏览次数: |
小蒋在上周日的时候连续去了两场的养老院演出,上午是绿in协会组织的,下午是校青协组织的。 Xiao Jiang went to two nursing homes for the rest of last Sunday. The morning was organized by the green in association, and in the afternoon it was organized by the school youth association. 总的来说,发挥的还是不错的,也有些许失误,但也补救回来了。 On the whole, it was good, and there were some mistakes, but it came back. 小蒋一直以为,做公益做善事不只是奉献社会,同样也是奉献自己。当我的行为能够让老人开心,能够让老人发笑,我觉得我自己也是十分开心的。 Xiao Jiang has always thought that doing public good is not just to dedicate society, but also to dedicate themselves. When I was able to make old people happy and make old people laugh, I felt very happy myself. 下面我来谈谈在养老院的演出技巧吧。 Now let me talk about the performance skills in nursing homes. 1,给老人演出可不是给年轻人,老人已经渐渐的反应迟钝了,甚至对你的话已经渐渐听不懂或者要反应很久才能理解过来,这时候如果你再演那些扑克牌流程魔术,就不再合适。因此魔术选择至关重要,个人建议演一些漂浮桌、杯子和瓶子,闪现、漂浮、弯曲类的魔术,更能给以惊奇。 1, to the elderly can not show for young people, the elderly have been slow gradually, even if you don't understand or have gradually to be understood for a long time over, if you play the poker magic no longer flow, right. Therefore, magic choice is very important, personal suggestions to play some floating tables, cups and bottles, flashing, floating, bending magic, more surprising. 2,在讲话的风格上,应该更加朴实更加接地气,在语速上应当慢一点,在音量上应该UPUPUP!洪亮富有中气,杠杠的。 2, in the style of speech, should be more simple and more grounded, speed should be slower, in the volume should be UPUPUP! A rich gas, leverage. 3、动作上,幅度要大,不要含糊,要干净利落,在互动时不要让老人做太多动作,不要突然吓老人,一定要温柔。 3, action, the amplitude should be large, not ambiguous, neat, in interaction, do not let the elderly do too much action, do not suddenly frighten the elderly, must be gentle. |
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