老年公寓里的“三无老人” |
添加时间:2017/9/12 14:20:14 浏览次数: |
我们都知道,老年公寓是现在很多人会选择的一种养老方式。子女工作比较忙,无暇照顾老人,就会选择把老人送到敬老院或者老年公寓今天我们来说说老年公寓。一般情况下,老年公寓在接受老人时,会对他们的基本情况做一些了解。但是今天我们要说的这家老年公寓,里面就住着这样一位老人。公寓对他的基本情况一无所知,不知道他姓甚名谁,也不知道他家住哪里。老人已经在公寓里住了五年多了,也没有任何人来看望过他。菏泽城区广福北街的康健老年公寓,院长陈金凤带着帮办记者见到了这位老人。 As we all know, apartment for the aged is a kind of pension method which many people will choose now. Children work more busy, no time to take care of the elderly, will choose to send the elderly to the nursing home or elderly apartments, today we talk about the elderly apartments. Under normal circumstances, elderly apartments in the acceptance of the elderly, will be their basic situation to do some understanding. But today we're talking about this old apartment, and there's an old man living in it. Absolutely ignorant of the basic situation of his apartment, did not know that he did not know where he What's the name?, home. The old man has lived in the apartment for more than five years, and no one has come to see him. Heze City Guangfu North Kang Jian apartments for the elderly, with Deputy Dean Chen Jinfeng reporter saw the old man. 五年来,陈金凤不知道老人的名字,也不知道老人的籍贯,但是陈院长告诉帮办,十几年前她就认识老人了,那时,他在环城公园附近流浪。 Five years, Chen Jinfeng did not know the name of the elderly, the elderly do not know the origin, but Chen told the Deputy Dean, she knew the old man ten years ago. At that time, he wandered around the city near the park. 2011年,陈金凤退休后建了一座老年公寓,看到老人挨饿受冻,陈金凤就会让服务员送些饭菜给他,渐渐地,她和这个流浪老人就熟了。 In 2011, when Chen Jinfeng retired, he built an apartment for the aged. When he saw the old man was suffering from cold and hunger, Chen Jinfeng would ask the waiter to give him some food. Gradually, she became familiar with the wandering old man. 2012年,陈金凤把流浪老人接到了老年公寓,为老人整理了个人卫生,又给老人买了一些衣物和生活用品。因为老人没有一个亲人,陈金凤对他更多了一份体贴。老人虽然住进了公寓,可是一直不爱说话,也不和其他人交流。陈金凤一直没能问出什么有用的信息。 In 2012, Chen Jinfeng received the elderly homeless elderly apartment, for the elderly finishing personal hygiene, but also for the elderly to buy some clothing and daily necessities. Because the old man did not have a relative, Chen Jinfeng was more considerate to him. Although the old man lived in an apartment, he never talked and talked to other people. Chen Jinfeng has not been able to ask for any useful information. 前段时间老人出去遛弯的时候不小心摔倒了,因为没有身份信息,无法办理住院,陈金凤只能在卫生室里帮他打了针拿了药。陈金凤说,养这位老人对她而言不算难事,但是现在公寓面临着两个难题。如果不能解决,这个老人她是不敢再养了。 Some time ago the old man walks when accidentally fell down, because there is no identity information, unable to handle the hospital, Chen Jinfeng only in the health room gave him an injection to take the medicine. Chen Jinfeng said, "the old man is not difficult for her, but now the apartment is facing two difficult problems.". If it can not be resolved, the old man, she is afraid to raise. 从老人口中问不出任何有用的信息,也无法找到他的家人,这让陈金凤犯了难。在帮办的建议下,她拨打了110报警电话。希望警察能帮他想个办法。几分钟后,市公安局牡丹分局北城派出所的民警来到了现场。在了解了事情的经过以后,民警表示,老人的情况比较特殊,这件事需要先报告上级领导。他们会和市救助站联系,一定会商议出一个圆满的解决方案。 From the elderly population asked no useful information, also cannot find his family, that Chen Jinfeng was guilty. The deputy's suggestion, she dialed 110. I hope the police can help him think of a way. A few minutes later, the City Public Security Bureau peony branch north city police station police came to the scene. After understanding what happened, the police said that the situation of the elderly was rather special, and the matter needed to be reported to the higher authorities. They will contact the city relief station and will negotiate a successful solution. |
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